Micheal Pope

Micheal Pope joined ASEB in 1997. She served as Program Director and Director of Development before becoming Executive Director in 2008. With a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from New Hampshire College and coursework in City Planning and Urban Affairs at Boston University, Micheal has more than 20 years experience in healthcare management, with an emphasis in marketing. She is a past board member of the California Culture Change Coalition Steering Council and a member of the Service Review Advisory Committee/East Bay Paratransit. Micheal is a member of the Alameda County Age Friendly Committee. She has served on the board of Ombudsman, Inc., Alameda, and is the past-president of the Board the Contra Costa Child Care Council. In addition to her work at ASEB, she is Conference Lay Leader of the California/Nevada Methodist Church. She also provides counseling and support to youth in foster care programs. Micheal believes that everyone must contribute if change is to come about. Serving on the board and staff of ASEB is one of the greatest highlights of her life, an honor that brings meaning to her every day. Her two children, Milton and Jade, provide her of with laughter, joy and growth from within. They are the source of her energy.