Bonita Kitt

Rev. Bonita A. Kitt is an associate minister of Allen Temple Baptist Church and has worked with the disabled, drug and alcohol communities. She has Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) experience and has served as grief minister to the Allen Temple Baptist Church family, led workshops, taught various classes.

Rev. Kitt is actively involved in community service projects with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., which includes serving with the Regional Leadership Team for over 20 years. She continues to work with the youth in the community through Delta’s programs based on ages; BETTY SHABAZZ ACADEMY, 11-13, DELTA GEMS, 14-18 which serve girls. She also takes an active interest in the welfare of the young men between the ages of 14-18 through the program entitled EMBODI. Working and seeking collaborative efforts to ensure that the programs exist is a priority.

Currently, Rev. Kitt also supports several research programs through UC Davis, Kaiser Permanent, and USF. Rev. Kitt seeks to support the faith-based communities through equipping these communities with supports by working with youth and the whole family.